Sunday, January 22, 2012

Blog Profile: jimseven

James Hoffman, to me, perfectly embodies what a blogger should be. From his presence on the web and the content of his work, one can deduce that he's fairly tech savvy. His prose is succinct but his thoughts are detailed, complete. He writes two blogs simultaneously. is devoted to all things not coffee. On the other hand, you'd be pressed to find a post without the word "coffee" mentioned at least six times on Jim is, without a doubt, a coffee expert and an even bigger coffee geek. A resident of the UK, he won the national Barista competition in both 2006 and 2007, and went on to win the World Barista Competition in '07. His posts consist of graphics, polls, opinions, and explanations of all things coffee.
The content of Jim's posts would be of interest to anyone who drinks coffee and finds science remotely interesting. He recently uploaded an unlabelled line graph and challenged his readers to figure out what what being graphed (the rate of bean mass temperature increase during roasting, in case you were wondering). But Jim doesn't just blog about coffee stuff that he finds cool. He posts what he does to encourage thought and discussion about coffee, and he does a pretty good job of that. His readership spans from coffee professionals (including the heads of roasters and retailers) to average Joe's like you or me just trying to learn more about coffee. I was initially kind of shocked by the number of comments Jim receives on many of his posts, but I've realized that his blog is as much about his readers' comments as it is about his comments. I'm new to Jim's blog, but I've become inspired by how he connects with his readers. I hope to accomplish something similar here. What will be different though, and I've mentioned this before, is that I'm, by no stretch of the imagination, an expert on coffee. I'll be learning right along side with you. But, hey, that's what's going to make it fun.

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